Developing relationships and partnerships with our families is paramount to providing a successful educational experience for our students.
While you are always invited to attend monthly PTF meetings, we know that not everyone has a schedule that will allow for their attendance. There are many other ways to be a member of our learning community.
- Kindergarten Boo Hoo Breakfast
- Super Senator Day
- Fundraiser Events
- Fall Festival Party
- Homecoming Parade Float
- Book Fair
- Holiday Shop
- Winter Holiday Party
- Valentine's Day Party
- PBS Events
- Family Literature Night
- Family Math Night
- Field Day
- End of Year Picnics
- Glow Dance
- Parent Volunteer
- Parent Mentor
- Making and/or doing things at home to send in to school
- 4th Grade Moving Up Event
- Chorus Parent
- Coaching Oydessy of the Mind
- Coaching Saturday Basketball